Group FMP

Project Breif

As a team, you will produce a 3D game level with a user interface and animations. It MUST include camera animations, moving dangers, or moving puzzles, and an interactable animated NPC.
It is important to develop communication skills along with creating a product as a group. Games are created as a team (mostly) and so this is your chance to work together and design a playable game level.
After you and your team have developed a 3D prototype, you will hold a playtesting session to show off your level and gather feedback on any issues you may need to fix before submission.
You will all individually model, texture and animate either in Maya or Unreal Engine 4. It is also crucial to have contributed to the User Interface development as to meet all the criteria.


We will create a hub world of our classroom and each of us will work on our own indiviual levels.
In the process, I have become the de facto Project lead and the go to for help with UE4.

Importing to Unreal

While testing my models in unreal I noticed that they where smaller in scale then they were in Maya compared to the character model. After checking the export settings and model scales, it was realized that the in-engine character model was resized to be bigger then the reference by x1.5 scale. With this noticed, the rough block out was scaled to the in-engine model meaning it too was off by that same scale amount.

My Level’s Early Development Stage


My Level Play Tests

Group Project Play Test

Video Essay

2 hour raw video, where I rant on this project. (please exculse the language)

Video Research:

Grade Result: Distinction