Chris: Piano Turret



An example of the work done by Wargaming would be the game World of Warships. Personally, this is my favorite game created by Wargaming. This image example I’ve used is a screenshot of the ship HMS Belfast, and like most ships in World of Warships, is a real ship.



One example of Valve’s work is that of the game Portal 2, easily my favorite game created by Valve. The game feature fun mechanics and interacting environments to explore. These environments are by far one of my favorite parts of this game, both the clear testing chambers and the decrepit wrecks that are the other levels.


Through the years I’ve been at college, I have learnt and developed my 3D modeling skills. For a majority of my time I have used 3DS Max as the software for 3D modeling and I am now learning Maya, from what I have researched I know both these softwares are used in the industry , so its useful for me to have these skills in both software.

For what I’ve produced in my time at college so far, I have mainly used 3DS Max, the modeling itself I find enjoyable and somewhat easy. I do struggle a little with fine detail, but I feel this is due to lack of time and knowledge of techniques rather than lack of effort.


However I feel that creating textures have proven to be my downfall. This may be due to my limited knowledge in such skills or my slightly poor time management over my time on these courses. This has meant that my final textures have been rushed and lack much detail.


My Ideal job role

At the moment I would like to be a 3D Generalist, this is because I would like to try to be an all-rounder and develop my skills in all/most 3D fields.

Industry standards

In the industry today companies use several programs for drawing, modeling, texturing and rendering.

In my research I found that the company Wargaming use Photoshop for their textures and Maya to create their models for the game World of Warships.


As Shown in the videos Developer Diaries: Update 0.7.4 and Hot Fix: How to build a ship

In the video How to build a ship they show and discussion the process of creating an historical warships from start to finish.

Research other artists

In my research in to other 3D artists both professional and individual, I’ve found that Artstation and Sketchfab are good sites to present ones work and as a means to create a portfolio. I have found three Artists whose work I really like the look of:

Max Hancock

Brendan Sullivan

Liam Keating

I really like Sketchfab, As it is easy to present 3D work and allow the viewer to look at different aspects of the model, such as the wire frame and UV map, all in a 3D space with a full 360 degree camera.

Unit 69

For my model for this unit, I decided to create my Turret and Piano merger from another brief. This was based of the main battery turret from HMS Belfast, the reason I decided to create this, was due to the fact that I would like to work towards possibly working for Wargaming on a project like World of Warships.


In order to create my model I decided to create it with modules and mirroring a lot of it.